Position your evaluation as an empowerment tool. 将你的评估定位为一种鼓励促进手段。
Study and Practice on the Method of Position Evaluation for Enterprise 人力资源岗位评价方法的研究与实践
In view of the important position of educational evaluation, the paper provides a discussion on the role orientation of educational evaluation activities. 鉴于教育评估的重要地位,本文特对教育评估行为的角色定位进行探讨。
Precise sizing of flaws holds a very important position in life evaluation of a structure with flaws. 准确测定缺陷的尺寸,对带缺陷结构的寿命评估具有十分重要的意义。
Currently China's theoretical circles haven't yet made a special study of quality analysis and evaluation of profits made by listed companies, but the evaluation has a very important position in evaluation of the achievements of listed companies. 目前,国内的理论界对上市公司利润质量的分析以及评价还没有专门的论述,而上市公司的利润质量评价在上市公司的业绩评价中占有十分重要的地位。
Through position evaluation, we can build up a position system within an organization, which provides a ground for the government officials 'career advancement channels. 通过岗位评估,可以构建起组织内部的职级体系,为公务员的职业发展通道的设计提供基础依据。
The electronic files change the confirming procedures and expand the content evaluation of the archives as well as raise the position of the evaluation in the entire file work. 电子文件改变了档案的鉴定程序,扩大了档案的鉴定内容,提升了鉴定在整个档案工作中的地位。
Research on Position Evaluation in Power Generation Enterprise 关于发电企业职位评价的研究
The third part redesigns the structure and level of salaries for the employees in headquarter based on the job analysis, position evaluation and performance of achievement. 第三部分通过对总部员工的职务分析和岗位评价及绩效考评,重新设计了总部员工的薪酬结构和薪酬水平。
The position analysis and evaluation, salary inquiry and salary strategy, salary structure and performance assessment system have completely been stated. 重点对岗位分析与评价、薪资调查与薪酬策略、薪酬结构及绩效考核体系的设计进行了全面的描述。
To actual conditions of China's enterprises at present, combined fair theory, the paper put forward some thinking to the design of the position salary, including duty clarify, position evaluation and position salary. 针对中国目前企业的实际情况,运用公平理论对职位薪酬的设计提出一些思考,包括了职责澄清、职位评估和职位薪酬三个部分的一些建设意见。
About the confirmation of the position evaluation factors scale, the thesis has put forward using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ( FAHP) to evade subjective factor influence and make the position evaluation system more scientific. 其中在岗位评价因素权重的确定问题上,提出借助模糊层次分析法(FAHP)的系统理论来规避主观因素的影响,使岗位评价体系的设计更趋科学化;
Analytical Hierarchy Process Based Technology of Management Position Evaluation 基于层次分析法的管理岗位评价技术
It is in a difficult position in evaluation criteria, measurability and fuzziness, as well as in recognized teaching quality, with appraisal factors and so on. 在教学评价过程中,评价标准的可测性与模糊性、教学质量的认定和评价的复杂性等因素使两种方式的选择面临着矛盾和困境。
Translation parameter of vehicle location is obtained by fusing radar-based position evaluation data and image intensity data, and rotation parameter of location is obtained by integrating improved Hausdorff distance and simulated annealing algorithm. 定位系统中,通过将雷达的位置估计和图像的灰度信息进行融合来获得位移参数,并将改进的Hausdorff距离和模拟退火算法相结合得到旋转参数。
When the development strategy of one company is ensure, the company performance evaluation guideline, department performance evaluation guideline and position performance evaluation guideline form a pyramid guideline system which is the core content of the whole organization performance evaluation. 在明确公司发展战略的前提下,公司绩效评价指标、部门绩效评价指标和岗位绩效评价指标构成了一个金字塔形的指标体系。
This paper expounds how to apply the Delphi method to determine the essential elements in management and to evaluate enterprises in strategic position and action evaluation ( SPACE) method of strategic management of enterprises. 本文论述了在企业战略管理SPACE方法中,如何应用Delphi方法确定企业战略要素及评价。
Position evaluation and performance appraisal has importance in reward management. 职位评价和绩效评估是奖金管理中的重要内容。
The keystone of the dissertation is position evaluation, ability evaluation and designing the structure of compensation system. 本文重点探讨了岗位价值评价、员工能力评价和薪酬结构设计的具体操作方法。
School evaluation, which directly affects the evaluation principle of the teacher and student and school development orientation, is the core position in educational evaluation system. 学校评价在教育评价体系中处于核心地位,它直接影响着对教师评价和学生评价的原则以及学校的发展方向。
The main work is as follows: By programming, we achieved a prototype system of position accuracy evaluation for feature detection algorithm. This system is achieved by using Matlab and C mixed-language programming, which can be used for the evaluation of position accuracy for different features. 全文主要工作如下:1.编程实现了一个特征检测算法定位精度评价原型系统,该系统采用Matlab和C语言混合编程,可用于不同特征的精度评价,还可以结合特征描述子实现特征匹配的性能分析。
The purpose of development teachers evaluation arise from is to promote the professional development of teachers, in order to highlight the dominant position of the evaluation. 发展性教师评价理论产生目的是促进教师专业发展,以突出教师在评价中的主体地位。
We finished position analysis and evaluation by using the questionnaire survey and factor comparison. And also according to the market survey result, we set up a new reasonable salary system based on their position and salary structure. 利用问卷调查法、评分法完成岗位分析与评价,并结合市场调研结果重新建立了一个基于员工岗位、绩效结构的合理薪酬体系。
And the labeling process is divided into three key parts& candidate position generation, position evaluation and position selection. 4. 并将注记配置过程划分为候选位置产生、位置评价、位置选择3个关键部分分别进行实施。
Rely on the scientific position value evaluation system, assess the relative value of every post; and classify and grade according to the characteristic of every post. 3. 依托科学的职位价值评估体系,评估每一个岗位的相对价值;根据岗位特点,进行分类、分级。
Firstly, a new pattern& Connection which differs from the traditional model is proposed and it can improve the data representation and the position evaluation. 首先,提出了一种不同于传统模式的新模式&连珠,从而在局面的表示及分析方面,直接改善了程序的效率。
Today, Balanced Scorecard, EVA and RAPM lie upper position among performance evaluation measures of abroad banks. 目前在国外银行的多种绩效评价方法中,占主导地位的主要有平衡记分卡、经济增加值EVA和风险调整绩效评价法。
The development of the machine tool is divided into several modules, and then all of the modules are constructed. Then, we examine the position precision which the machine tool can achieve through the feed system position precision evaluation test. 采用模块化设计的方法,把机床的研制划分为几个模块,而后分别对各个模块进行构建。接着,通过机床进给系统位置精度的评定试验,来检验机床所能达到的位置精度。
Through expert consultation and literature survey method, the selection of the scenic niche evaluation index, and uses AHP to the weight of each index in model, and finally established traveling scenic area ecology position evaluation model. 通过专家咨询与文献调查的方法,选取了旅游景区生态位的评价指标,并运用层次分析法确定各个指标在模型中的权重,最终确立了旅游景区生态位的评价模型。
Through the analysis of work to job description, take evaluation method to make position evaluation, get the post after coefficient and further determine employee post salary a specific amount. 通过工作分析来编制岗位说明书,采取评分法来进行岗位评价,得到各岗位系数后从而进一步确定员工岗位工资的具体数额。